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Solid State Physics Homework Solutions: Master the Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics


This course is about basic semiconductor physics and the physics of three important devices: 1) the PN junction, 2) the bipolar junction transistor (BJT), and 3) the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). The course is divided into three parts. The first part is an introduction to quantum mechanics and solid-state physics (energy bands, electrons and holes, the Fermi function), doping and carrier densities, carrier transport and generation-recombination, and the so-called semiconductor equations, which provide a complete, semi-classical, mathematical description of electrons and holes in semiconductors, subject to some important simplifying assumptions. The second part of the course applies these concepts to PN junctions and bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), and the third part treats the dominant electronic device today, the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET).

Chapter3. The Classical Theory of Crystal Diffraction.Download: LatexSource , full PDFnotes, zip,the homework assignmentor the solutions(look at Laurie Robinson's Solutionto the Mathematica Scattering Problem) (last updated 1/17).

solid state physics homework solutions

Chapter4. Crystal Lattice Dynamics and the Quantum Theory ofNeutron Scattering. Download: LatexSource , full PDFnotes, the ziparchive, the homework assignmentor the solutions.(last updated, 1/17)

Chapter 7. Band Structure of Solids. Download:the LatexSource , PDFnotes, the zipfile , (last updated, 3/17, now with Anderson Localization) thehomeworkassignment or the homeworksolutions (Mathematica Notebook)

The "staircase" on the periodic table outlines several elements, boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, tellurium, and polonium whose chemical behavior is somewhere between that of metals and non-metals. We call these elements semi-conductors, and the physics of such elements gave birth to semiconductor physics. The importance of semiconductors cannot be overstated; the integrated circuit just by itself, made of semiconductors, has permanently changed the way we live our lives and relate to one another. A good course in semiconductor physics will help students learn about the following topics:

There is a small flexibility in submitting the homework late, the submission window to upload the respective homework will be open during the following weekend as well, i.e. up to 48 hours after the due date. Homework solutions uploaded within 24 hours after the due date will result in a 10% reduction of the score. Homework solutions after this time but within 48 hours will still be accepted but result in a 20% reduction of the score. After 48 hours no late homework will be accepted, since the solution key will be made available the following Monday. There are two additional dates offered to accommodate possible absence during the quiz. You need to inform the instructors three days before regular date to take the quiz that you have a conflict.

This book is based on the notes for two courses: Electrons in Solids (2nd year) and Solid State Physics (3rd year) at Imperial College London.The book will build up the properties of crystalline solids from the most basic description of electrons to their motion in periodic potentials and all the resulting consequences. This will be used as a basis for understanding the energy bands of real solids, focussing on metals and semiconductors.The book will then move on to vibrational and magnetic properties and will conclude with the p-n junction and the bipolar junction transistor. Each chapter will have exercises taken from the homework problems in the courses, with short solutions to most exercises provided in an appendix (space permitting) and detailed solutions contained in a separate solutions manual

Please see the course outline for the officialstatement of homework policies. The following are guidelines:Assignments will only be posted on this web page, NOT handed out in class!Assignments will be posted Thursday, students will present them thefollowing Tuesday, and assignments are due the next Thursday. Assignments are due by 11:59PM Thursdays to the dropbox outside room 2L26. Make sure to label your assignment with yourname and "QMII."Collaboration is allowed, but you must write up your own solutions independently (in your own words).Late assignments will only be accepted with prior permission from theinstructor.Assignments that are not neatly organized and written will receivezero credit (one warning allowed). Please see the course outline.If you find a mistake in grading, please see the instructor.

The course is taught in English. Aim of the course (1st semester, 1st year) is to provide the theoretical basics of solid state physics and their applications to solid state electronic devices, with particular emphasis in applications in the area of ICTs and energy. This course plays a central role in the development of an Engineer expert in Nanotechnologies, because it extensively provides the basic elements for the understanding of subsequent courses of the MSc learning program. The integrated course is divided in two sections. In the Solid State Physics section the students are organized into two teams for the initial 4 ECTS. The first team is composed of students with a low background in the areas of quantum mechanics and statistics, which have to be learned in order to understand ensuing subjects in physics of matter and electronic devices. The second team is composed of students with an adequate background of modern physics. In both cases the students get (up to different levels of in-depth analysis) the fundamentals of solid state physics functional to study electronic properties of nanostructured materials. The second part of the first section (taught to all students) general methods for the evaluation of the band structure of conducting/semiconducting solids are given. In the Electronic Devices section, the students learn the basics for understanding the physics and the design of electronic devices.

The course is taught in English. Aim of the Solid state physics/Electronic devices course is to provide the theoretical basics of solid state physics and their applications to solid state electronic devices, with particular emphasis in applications in the area of ICTs and energy. This course plays a central role in the development of an Engineer expert in Nanotechnologies, because it extensively provides the basic elements for the understanding of subsequent courses of the MSc learning program. In the Electronic Devices section, the students learn the basics for understanding the physics and the design of electronic and optoelectronic devices. The students are organized into two teams for the initial 3 ECTS (first module). The first team is composed of students with a limited background in the area of semiconductor devices, in particular junctions and MOSFETs, which have to be learned in order to understand further topics in (opto)electronic devices. The second team is composed of students with an adequate background of semiconductors and basic electronic devices. In both cases the students get (although with different levels of in-depth analysis) the fundamentals of semiconductor device physics, in particular semiclassical models for the analysis and design of (opto)electronic devices and their analytical approximations, functional to study more advanced topics and devices. The second part (3 ECTS, second module) is taught to all students, and covers electronic devices based on compound semiconductors and nanostructures.

Aim of the Solid state physics/Electronic devices course is to provide the theoretical basics of solid state physics and their applications to solid state electronic devices, with particular emphasis in applications in the area of ICTs and energy. This course plays a central role in the development of an Engineer expert in Nanotechnologies, because it extensively provides the basic elements for the understanding of subsequent courses of the MSc learning program.The integrated course is divided in two modules. In the Solid State Physics module, the students are organized into two teams for the initial 4 ECTS. The first team is composed of students with a low background in the areas of quantum mechanics and statistics. The second team is composed of students with an adequate background of modern physics. In both cases the students will learn (up to different levels of in-depth analysis) the fundamentals of solid state physics functional to the study of the electronic properties of nanostructured materials. In the second part (2 ECTS) of the first section all students will learn theoretical methods for the prediction of the band structure of conducting/semiconducting solids and nanostructures. 2ff7e9595c

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